Principle 1 - Uniqueness
Our brains have all developed differently and, therefore, we are only really happy when we are doing the things for which we were individually programmed to do.
This principle states that, “if we are to realise our potential, experience personal success and maximise our contribution to what we do, we must identify what our unique talents are and, then, play to these natural strengths as much as we can”.
In order to maximise the contribution of a person in an organisation, leaders must seek to identify their strengths and match these strengths, as far as possible, to their roles for which they are best suited.
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Principle 2 - Leadership is Influence
This principle states that “everyone can be a leader because leadership is about influencing people positively”.
Although we may never be the next Martin Luther King, we can all learn how to influence the people within our circle of colleagues, friends and family because, as someone very famous once said, ‘leadership is not a position occupied but an influenced exercised’.
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Principle 3 - Engagement
Research tells us that, because they are operating in an environment where they are experiencing being valued, engaged people give their best and operate at maximum effectiveness levels.
Productivity, customer satisfaction, profit, employee morale, safety and quality outputs are all directly linked to ‘engagement’. As great leaders and managers intuitively know, this principle states that “it’s engaged people that make the difference between good performance and great performance”.
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Principle 4 - Character
Success is not just about releasing talent, great leadership, and engaged people [– see Principles 1 to 3 above], it is also about making the right choices.
“Individuals who make a difference have character”, that is, they ‘act with integrity’ and, even in the most difficult times, they ‘do the right thing’, they have a ‘positive attitude’ and they exercise ‘self–discipline’.
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